Winter is on our door so finding dry wood little bit hard so here some tricks how to start a fire from ice . If you wear a glasses you can use them but if you don`t , simple use ice instead of lens .
First take a piece of ice . clean one to look like a glass .
Put the piece of clean ice into and slowly melt into a bottom of a bowl . Bowl need`s to have some spherical shape.
Melt the ice from both sides , after that you will get something which look`s like a lens ..
Try with the sunlight . Test the lens in ability ti make a small spot .
Coal on cedar tinder. you will need 30 sec. to get a coal. You can start with shredded bark too . After 30-35 seconds you will see the smoke .
Second way is to take a block of ice and with hand saw or you knife shape into a ball . You need to get something to looks like a sphere.
With you hands polish the ball . same way like we make a snowball or meatball . Constant packing and rotating motion of the hands tends to improve geometry of the sphere. At the end you will get double convex lens.
The tinder will lit quickly , after 20 seconds you will get the smoke .
Power of the lens you can test also like i did on a leather gloves . it burns for a sec .